Friday, May 11, 2012


Lirik Lagu Sahabat - Najwa Latif

Kau ada dikala ku suka
Dikala ku duka
setiap tangisan dan juga ketawa
Kau ada dikala ku perlu
setia menemaniku
Pegang erat tanganku bila aku jatuh

Kau lah yang selalu
Selalu menemaniku
Mendengar kisah pahit manis
Hidup ku

Kau lah yang di situ
Setia menunggu ku
Kau lah yang satu
Menjadi sahabatku

Ku tahu ku kan selalu ada
Pada dirimu
Dan ku harap kau juga rasa begitu

Kau lah yang selalu
Selalu menemaniku
Mendengar kisah pahit manis
Hidup ku

Kau lah yang di situ
Setia menunggu ku
Kau lah yang satu
Menjadi sahabatku

Kau lah yang selalu
Selalu menemaniku
Mendengar kisah pahit manis
Hidup ku

Kau lah yang di situ
Setia menunggu ku
Kau lah yang satu
Menjadi sahabatku


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Franz Schubert: Serenade

~ it's has a story behind this song.......
~ love this song tooooooooo much.... muah muah ...

           ingatan untuk mereka yg pernah HADIR dalam hidup saye,
           ingatan untuk mereka yg pernah bersama MELALUI  "waktu itu" bersama saye,
           ingatan untuk hari2 yg pernah menjadi sebahagian dr hidup saye,
           ingatan untuk lagu2 yg pernah bertanda dalam hidup saye,

         ............. maybe the song was sad....
........................maybe it was a sad stories........
... BUT
........................... all the memories will lock in ma brain a.k.a ma stone head... ha ha.....
TQVM ......
.................................................................................. sayonara.......

LOL..... aie...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

     The whole Feb will be nightmare for me.... ha ha ha.. i think so.  i don't know why. but I'm too tired to think about it.... all i can say missing in action......

09032011/ wed

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera.

Miss me.... arghhh don't say about it. I'm too shy to hear it.... see my face almost pink in color. Ha ha ha.... nonsense. I'm missing in action in a long period....  

I love to share some experience that i got  along that period. But i love to share about friendship.

Some people say friends are someone that around us which will help us in any circumstances. Good friends are always by your side.

A friend is someone who cares for you, who sticks by your side when you're lonely, who helps you up when you get hurt, but most importantly friends come in different ways.
Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.
And the truth is friendship will never ending. Although u not in  the same country, university etc you will remember each other.. You still contact each other and so on.    

Love to share this poem.....

Friends !!!

Special people are called friends,
they seem to always have a helping hand,
they bring something to your heart,
but the worst thing to do is come apart.

Friends seem to know how to make your day,
every time they pass your way,
they'll give you a smile,
to make you happy for awhile.

So if you need someone by your side,
friends will be there as time goes by,
if you have a special friend,
always keep them 'til the end.

LoVe My FrIeNds very much.... muah muah.... saranghae....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tahun baru???? azam baru ???? ape yg baru....


Dh lame x bukak blog nie.....
arrrrrghhhh  tahun baru??? 
masing2 b'lumbe-lumbe nk wat azam baru.... buku baru........ bagus semangat yg cm tu ...... x putus asa,  tapi.... betol kerrr....  nk wat semue 2.... kadang2 yg thn2 lps nyerr pn x brpe nk achieve.... trus wat yg lain....... itula... manusia.... we suppose to complete what we want to achieve... right.... klu x complete yg first.... u should do more for da next year to make it better.. nie x... wat yg len lps 2 tgalkn separuh jln jerrrr.... x salah nk ade azam baru.. mmg setiap thn pon kite nk challenge diri kite 2 achieve something that make us satisfied....tapi jgn lupe gak yg kite x complete lagiiii 2... so sebagai manusia yg serba kekurangan ... fikirlaaaa sebaik2 mungkin.....


new year 2011 first January ..... thank GOD that i'm still in this cherish world ..... some of us must be join da new year celebration  and some of us maybe struggle for their life..... 
new year celebration..... isn't necessary for Muslim...rightio...
forget da celebration..
I'm struggle for my life that day.....
thank God that it make it smooth .... i can handle it.... if not i don't know what will happen to me and my sis.....
thank God.... Syukur alhadulillah.....

Monday, October 11, 2010

Trans Cameran Footage (2-3/10/10)

Pergh...... best x t'kate those xtvt.... mmg x sie2 join... Thanks to ma friends (mr.bab) coze sudi mengajak kiteorg g .... Mase first time i said i wanna join... t'fikir gak 3, 4 kali... betul kerr ape yg aku wat nie... Thanks 2 my prinsip and i decide i'll do it...... Bertolak dr rmh dlm pkl 1 lbh if i'm not mistake... Then tggu mr bab g smbhyg Jumaat kt masjid.... dlm kol 2 grk... Tapi tggu plak satu lg kete kt  Petronas Bkt Kangkar... (tau kerr kt ane...)... Then ma friend (ina) call the others then they said dieorg luch kt rmh mr. senget... pergh mase 2 mcm bgang jerr... then kiteorg ckp jmpe kt R&R jerr la kiteorg nk jln dolu ngan g mkn ... Rupe2nyerr kene tipu..... dieorg pn x mkn lg..... msg2 kelaparan.......sib baik kiteorg x msk tol lg.... so kene tggu dieorg laaa (p/s: igt jgn menipu nanti jdk cm nie  hi hi hi) .We decide 2 go 2 R&R Ayer Keroh....... Then bnyk lg cite smpi x tau nk cite ane satu.....
Tibe kt detinasi yg nk d tuju around 12 am kot... singgah kt kdi mkn, x igt arr  name kedai 2... x leh terime, cm hampeh jerrr.... mls nk cite..... Then tibe kt camp site dlm pkl 1 lbh ade laa dlm 4-5 buah kete kot.... x prsn sbb  ngantuk dh thp gaban tp x leh tdo.... Siap psg khemah, briefing ckt pas 2 tdo....

 First day - morning - breakfast bdk2 nie msk..... ha ha ha cm main pondok2 plaks... t'igt zmn dolu2..... hbs pokok bunge rmh atk ngan nenek kene petik....... So pg 2 akn pnjt 2 gng. Gng Jasar ngan Gng Perdah........
Our breakfast menu is bihun grg sosej..chef nyerr mr.bab... yg gegurl plaks tlg kacau... hi hi hi. Then bermulalah our xpdc.
Ermmm.... x tau nk ckp cm ane rasenyerr.... hnye Tuhan jerr yg tau.... tp still ok.....2 la sape srh x g jog dolu......
tapi best.. Pengalaman baru yg x dpt klu kite x wat xtvt nie.......
Next destination will be Gng Brinchang.... erghhhh... bnyk tragedi....... jatuh t'duduk laaa, kremmm kaki laaa... 2 semuenyerr dh rase... Tp sdhnyerr geng2 x dpt naik sbb my kaki kremmmm ... tgall lg bbrape rts feet jerr nk smpi puncak... Sorry ye kwn2... rase berslh ade gak sbb dh menyusahkn koorg.... Tapi mmg laa... seriously mase 2 kite rase mcm nk cbut jerr kaki nie.... lps dh smpi pnck trn ambil balik.... hi hi hi...


to be continue..... 4 da 2nd day..... w/salam

Oct. 13 , 0922 pm

Errrgghhh give me some ideas how 2 continue this story......  my focus skrg nie nk tgk korean drama... bye... kim takgu wait for me....

Oct 15,0821 am...

Second day - today menu for breakfast = nasi lemak + sardine + sayur campur + telur grg + telur rebus + ikn krg...... This time gegurl2 plaks yg msk..... Perghhh.... kiteorg belasah jerr msk nasi lmk 2... sbb klu kt rmh mak yg masak...... tp blh dimaapkn lg la.... nasi 2 cume tkrg grm jerr.... Tapi sib baik dicoverkan ngan sardine neza yg x tau nk dikategorikan sbg ape.......... Pergh hanye Tuhan jerr yg tau rasenyerr.... Bak kate org klu rase 'm****' dh elok laaa kawin yek neza...... Tempat mkn kiteorg plaks adlh kt dlm khemah... hi hi hi... Bygkn laaaa.... blh memuatkan 6 org manusia... kt dlm 2..... punyenyerr bsr khemah 2.... tp cm sardine laa dok kt dlm 2.... then lps sarapan... dlm pkl 11 am kot.... kiteorg grk g gng Berembun..... mmg berembunlaaa.... baru start jerr nk daki dh t'msk dlm jerlus kot namenyerr... pergh sib baik satu kaki jerr yg t' skt gak kaki yg satu lg t'hntk kt akar kayu... k la ade keje arrr...

Nov. 8, 0243 p.m....

Dh lame x kemaskn page nie.... lupe nk smbg.. hi hi.. hr nie t'ada mood nk smbg balik citerr ari 2....
Mase t'jerlus kaki 2.. ade pelbagai aksi yg x patut ditiru oleh kanak2 bwh umur... ha ha ha... Sib baik mase 2 x da org ambil gmbr klu x t'bngkar rahsia.... it's a fun journey.... Thank GOD coze dpt gak smpai pncak gng berembun 2... Thanks gak pade kwn2 yg tlg kite mase nk slide curam yg licin 2.... mmg licin glerr laaa smpi t'gelincir laaa bkn kite jerrr tp ade gak bdk2 khemah sblh yg join t'gelincir tu... hu hu hu... nk tau sape? rasenyerr koorg tau laaa sape die tu ek...(sbnrnyerr nk bg tau name die nassir ngan kap.... ha ha ha...sori nassirkap).

Bile dh tibe kt pondok cp tu... kiteorg rht ngan continue daki gng 2 lg..tapi mlgnyerr x semue geng kiteorg naik same... sbb kap injured.... so sbgi kwn yg setie kamal temankn kap tok trn semule.... spnjg pendakian 2... hermmmm x tau nk describe cm ane die nyerr trek 2... mmg perghhhh...... tp 2 semue x jdk hlgn tok kiteorg daki gng 2 smpi kepuncak...... hu hu hu.... so yg daki gng 2 hnye neza, ina ngan naza..... eh lupe lak saye gak.... tp x pe walaupn koorg x smpi pnck tp koorg dh b'jaye daki gak gng 2.... stlah berjaye menawan pncak berembum akhirnyerr aktiviti menurunkn diri dr gng pon  bermula laaaaaaaaa..... Nak dijadikan citer... ade laaa sorang makhluk tuhan nie... buat hal lg..... daki x da masalah tibe2 trn plaks masalah..... legamin kaki injured plaks... cm ane nk ckp ek... x tau arrrr tp koorg phm2kan lah yerk....dh laaa lmbt trn... ape laa cha nie..... maap lagi kt koorg sbb tlh menyusahkan koorg... sob sob sob.... tp ape2pn alhamdulillah semuenyerr selamat trn dan slmat balik......... 


baru nk berjinak2 ngan bnde nie....
so klu ade salah dan silap mintak di maapkan...
and 2 all my friends... i would like 2 invite u all...